WWHI is working to address the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People (MMIW/P) and gender-based violence in a multi-faceted approach. We want to spread awareness about this crisis by getting people talking and learning about it. We also offer cultural and land-based healing and support services to help those affected. Our efforts further focus on prevention by addressing the root causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls, such as colonialism, patriarchy, and historical trauma. By doing all of these things together, WWHI has created a well-rounded plan to address this critical issue. To encourage communities to get engaged we have developed training resources and provide technical assistance when needed.
For inquiries about WWHI's trainings and systems change work please contact:
WWHI Policy & Justice Director
Starla Thompson
Email: sthompson@wakingwomenhealingint.org
*Bruce LaMere WI Indigenous Riders & Search and Rescue | *MMIWP Healing & Response Training Mole Lake, WI--Participants representing: Mole Lake Tribal PD, Advocates, Community Members, Emergency Planning & Response, Search & Rescue, & GLIFWC Officers, prepare for a mock MMIWP vigil/rally during the training. December 2023* |
Community Knowledge Exchanges | *Improving Responses for MMIWP- TCRP'S Keshena, WI Co-Facilitated with Great Lakes MMIP Coordinator Joel Postma to learn about the importance of Tribal Community Response Plans. July 2023 |
2nd Annual MMIP Gathering Nurturing the Fire Within. Feb 2023- College of Menominee Nation Keshena, WI
Co-facilitators included: Tyesha Wood- AMBER Alert in Indian Country, WI Rapid Search & Rescue, WI Missing Persons Clearinghouse, Traditional Tools for Wellness- Beth W. & Mary W.